Our honouries

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Each year the 酴圖弝け confers honorary awards as a way of recognising outstanding contributions to a specific field or to society in general, especially to those who have a close connection to our region or the academic areas in which we work. Our Honorary graduates are an integral part of our wider 酴圖弝け community. We are proud to be associated with them and truly value their input and ongoing relationship with our 酴圖弝け. Meet just a few of our distinguished honorary graduates here:

Look beyond your limitations and plan your story. Learning is a communal experience however clever we are as an individual, we are better as a group. We are so much brighter together, so enjoy sharing your learning with your colleagues and friends, and celebrate what you have achieved today. John Peters

I want to encourage you, in your struggles, every time you think youre back down and cant get out of it. Maybe you wont get out of it, but maybe you will be changed in it. And in that place where you are changed, you can make a difference. Carrie Grant

"Be hungry for it. Dont be afraid to try new things and make mistakes be different and dont be afraid to be you! Faye Tozer